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October 12, 2024

How to Choose the Strategic Exhibition Booth Location

How to Choose the Strategic Exhibition Booth Location

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In an exhibition, the location of your booth would be your key to success. Why? Because a strategic location can attract visitors' attention from the start, increase traffic to your booth, and boost the chances of engagement or interaction with visitors. Whether your booth is full of visitors or not will depend on how strategic its location is. So, a strategic booth location could be the key to your exhibition's success. But how do you choose a strategic location or the best spot for your booth? Let's follow these tips!

The Importance of a Strategic Booth Location

Why is a strategic booth location so important?

Imagine you have a booth with an amazing design and super attractive products, but it's tucked away in a corner far from the crowds. The result? Visitors will rarely stop by and your opportunity to showcase your products will be limited.

A strategic location will make your booth more visible and easily accessible to visitors, so the possibility of them visiting is much greater. A strategically placed booth is easier to see and access, making it more likely for visitors to drop by. The more visitors, the greater the chance to introduce your products or services, build connections, and of course, achieve the main goals of the exhibition itself whether for branding or selling products.

Consider These Factors When Choosing a Booth Location

There are several factors you need to consider before choosing the right booth location.

  •  Visitor Access

    Ensure your booth is in an area that's easily accessible to visitors. A location near the entrance or the main visitor path could be a smart choice because everyone will pass through there.

  • Visitor Traffic

    Look at the exhibition map or layout and understand the movement patterns of visitors in the exhibition area. Visitors usually tend to follow certain paths or are drawn to specific areas. Booths at intersections or on main paths are usually busier than those in corners.

  • Key Facilities

    Check where important facilities are located, such as restrooms, food courts, or rest areas. Booths near these areas have the potential to increase visitor traffic.

  • Know Your Target Audience

    If you already know who your target audience is, choose a location that’s relevant to them. For example, if your target audience is young people, choose a location near areas they often visit, such as entertainment areas or food courts.

  • Booth Type and Design

    The design of your booth also defines how to choose the booth location. For instance, if your booth is large and eye-catching, you might need a more spacious and strategic area to make it more visible.
    If your booth has a unique or interactive design, choose a location that can highlight that uniqueness, such as an area that's spacious enough or near a popular photo spot.

  • Competitor Position

    Also, consider the location of competitor booths. If you're too close, your booth might get overshadowed. On the other hand, if you can leverage the crowd around your competitors, it could be your advantage.

Strategic Locations You Can Choose

By considering the above factors, you can find the best spot for your booth. Here are some strategic locations you might want to target: 

1. Near the Main Entrance

Booth locations near the main entrance are highly targeted by many exhibitors. Why? Because all visitors must pass through this area.

After entering the exhibition area, visitors usually take a moment to relax and begin exploring the booths. If your booth is near the entrance, it will be the first thing visitors see. With an eye-catching booth, it will definitely attract their attention to come and increase their potential to ask about your product.

In the other hand, the farther away from the main entrance, the fewer visitors you'll get. The potential for branding or sales will also decrease.

2. Near Activity Areas or Main Stage

Usually, exhibitions have special areas for activities, product demos, or the main stage. Locations near these areas can be strategic because many visitors will be attracted to these activities.

When the main stage is used for talk shows, live music, guest star performances, or other events, visitors will also flock to this area. This increases the opportunity to draw their attention to your booth.

3. At Intersections or Connecting Paths

Another strategic booth location is at intersections, where visitor paths meet. This area has high foot traffic, offering many opportunities for visitors to stop by your booth. Placing your booth here can provide visibility from various directions.

To maximize results, you can use an open booth layout that allows visitors to interact from different angles.

4. Near Key Facilities

Locations near key facilities such as restrooms, food courts, cafes, or rest areas can increase traffic to your booth. These areas are naturally busy with visitor traffic. Visitors heading to the restroom or food court might be interested in exploring nearby booths.

5. Near Major Brand Booths

Being near major brand booths is like hanging out with cool people. They’ll also make your booth look cooler. Even if your booth isn’t the best, you’ll still get some attention from the major brand’s visitors.

So, it’s worth checking where the major brand booths are located, as they usually attract a lot of visitors. You can use this crowd by choosing a booth location close to them. As a result, visitors interested in the major brand might also stop by your booth.

A strategic booth location is the key to a successful exhibition. By considering various factors and choosing the right location, you can maximize the potential of your booth at the exhibition.

Choose EastPro to Have the Stunning Booth Design and Construction 

So, Guys, have you figured out the tips and tricks for finding a strategic location for your booth?

Make sure your booth design and construction are just as amazing! Of course you can choose EastPro to build your stunning booth design and construction. With experience as an exhibition booth contractor handling many clients and major exhibition events, EastPro is ready to help you create a booth that’s not only eye-catching but also functional and suited to your exhibition needs.

Let’s discuss your booth design now with EastPro. Make your exhibition a big success with a strategic booth location and a stunning booth from EastPro!